Thursday, November 15, 2012

First Post: What is this all about?

Space, the final frontier... You know the rest, no reason to go on.

I like space. That's the reason I started studying aerospace engineering. Five years -that's a degree and a master, I guess- for finding and answer I already knew when I started: space I would like to be in, simply doesn't exist. There's no a StarFleet. There are no chances of pumping the Falcon into hyperspace. Space travel and exploration today is about probes, rovers, satellites and ISS.

Expectations... (source: wikipedia)
Expectations... (source: Wikipedia)

No big suprise. Space exploration is expensive, difficult and rewards are not so straightforward like other fields in engineering or research. Commercial satellites are maybe an exception to this but, let's face it: is it a complex piece of engineering orbiting around your own planet what are you picturing when you are thinking about space? Is it even being an ISS crewmember what really would you like to become if you had the opportunity of something else?

Reality... -I must admit it's pretty cool, but not cool enough...-

Space race and current space research have achieved remarkable things. None of these are really things I would choose as a first election if I had the chance to go, for instance, to another planet.

Far away our solar system.

So I asked myself, what can I do?

As an engineer I've been tortured educated in the believe that knowing physics is the first step to imagine, design and construct cool stuff to take profit of world's nature we live at.

The "thing" that binds us to our planet is -as far as we know for now-, something A. Einstein called "spacetime curvature" and it's implications in our velocity regime. I thougth it was a good idea to start looking for that. Time to attack the spacetime.

So, these are the principles this blog is going to be about -until I change them :)

  1. This blog's prime objective is to learn a little more about spacetime. By posting, I expect to be forced to learn something I find quite difficult for now. I'm not a genius, nor even a smart guy. But I think you don't really understand something until you can explain it to someone else. You are my "someone else", so thanks. I guess.
  2. The second objective is to obtain feedback. If you are interested in the subject and you find interesting a post, I hope you talk about it. If you find errors, mistakes or simpy you think a particular subject should be explained better or more deeply, I expect you to tell me about it. Politely. Please, politely. :) That's a way of learning I find quite useful.
  3. If you believe in UFO's, government conspiracies, homeopathy, creationism and magic, maybe this is not your blog. Posts -and comments with time- will be open to certain level os speculation and interpretation, but they will be founded in science. And science is a cold-blooded bitch, like someone said once. There's a lot of things out there which would be cool they were real. But they are not.
  4. Errors will happen. In blog construction, in math, in physics, redaction and so on. Specially in the level of english this blog is written. As you have already noticed, english is not my natural language. I'll try to improve and correct, but please, be patient about that :) You are free and welcome to point out and I have the sacred duty to correct them.
  5. I'll try to post every 2 weeks. That's the kind of principle I'm going to repent of stablish...

 I hope you enjoy.