Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A massive quantity of energy.

Before talking about coordinate systems, tensors, and other cool stuff I need to know better, let's have an engineering look at the equations, specially at energy numbers.
I said before that G thing stands for describing curvature through several mathematical tools we'll see later. Let's focus, for the moment, in the T thing.

The T summarizes something called stress-energy tensor and can be descomposed as:

Where 'T' with the tiny greek letters is the tensor per se and the fraction is a constant. An important constant:
  • G stands for the Newtonian cosmological constant. This number is in the order of 10-11 in SI units.
  • The other is actually the speed of light to the 4th power. The order of this number is 1021 in SI units.
A quick glance at the units would tell us in order to counteract a 10-32 factor, energy applied should be huge. But this could be a wrong assumption: I don't know yet what order of magnitude a typical spacetime curvature is.

Before screaming in horror, let's have a closer look to the units I must use.

Units in spacetime: not the usual way of measuring things.

This concept deserves its own post, but my only information source is "Gravitation" for now, so better I wait until having a more global point of view. By now, a quick summary:
  • In spacetime, it seems a good idea using geometrized units: this means in practice, everything is measured as lenghts. "Gravitation" use cm -1/100th part of a meter- as basic unit.
  • Mass is the lenght of the 4-momentum vector. Converting this lenght to usual mass (kg), requires of dividing the lenght by the factor G/c2
  • Time is technically a lenght too. In special relativity light speed is considered constant -in vaccum- so I can always define time as the lenght a light ray travels. The more time the travel represents, the more lenght light represents.
Now, you have to believe -you can check Gravitation's Box 1.5- that  near the surface of Earth:

This is the term of curvature tensor which gives relative acceleration between 2 test particles -given in cm- separated 1 cm in z direction per cm of light travel, squared. 

The goal of this post is actually obtaining an order of magnitude of energy (Joules). In order to do so:
  • I assume sumations of different terms in curvature tensor, give us the same order of magnitude, so I just take into account the number in the previous formula as order reference. 
  • Using the geometrized unit system, I can say:
  • I convert to ergs the previous number knowing G/c4=0.826·10-49 cm/erg
  • I convert (again) to Joules the previous number knowing 1 erg=10-7 J
This estimation yields an order about... 1030 MJ.  
That means in order to obtain a spacetime curvature equal to that generated by Earth, between two points 1 cm away in z direction, I must be able to generate that level of energy -topological and practical issues excluded.

Comparing this estimation with some numbers of energy "existent" in Nature...
... Make the amount of energy needed to curve spacetime huge. Huge. HUGE!!!

Some unconcluded conclusions...

So, time to scream in horror. A carefully calculation maybe is able to retrieve a couple of orders in that exponent. An error in my calculations -which is more than likely- a couple more. But the fact stands:
if you wanted to warp spacetime to produce, at least, an acceleration similar to Earth acceleration in a free fall body, you would have to gather the energy the world consumes in a whole year...
... 2 times.

Don't feel discouraged!! You already knew it was impossible!

There's an important issue in this calculation, anyway. Prior to working on this blog, I used to do this estimation with the famous equation...

 ... Which leads to considerate 5 orders of magnitude more -even asumming momentum zero- in energy needed: that's... 1035 MJ .
You can check for yourself by inserting Earth mass in the m in the equation. It's actually a much more fast calculation than previous one. Anyway, they differ in 5 orders of magnitude. How is that possible?

This could be explained by the fact "Gravitation" number I have used in the first estimation considers the curvature between 2 free particles separated 1 cm -close to Earth's surface-, and it's possible curvature between 2 free particles away more distance be higher.

But that idea doesn't convince me neither. I must learn more about that G thing in order to refine this estimation...

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