Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Schwarzschild metric (II)

Are you ready?
We were supposed to end up with the demonstration, but it actually is pretty damn long, so in this post I'm going to just obtain the equations as functions of A, B, C and D. And I'll let the final steps of the demonstration for the next post. So two points already pendant:
  1. Why metric tensor has only diagonal components? That is, why there are no cross-terms?
  2. Applying $g_{\mu\nu}$ into the $R_{\mu\nu}$ equation.
Warning! Math ahead!

Friday, April 22, 2016

New look!

I'm finishing Schwarzschild post II: the Schwarzs strikes back. For the moment, as you can see, several look changes have been made to the blog. For the sake of clarity.

Maybe I add several changes more in the future. Maybe the font is a little bit small...

Edit: It turns out Mathjax doesn't work well with my android phone... Working on it! :)

Edit2 (05/16/16): It turns out I'm a moron and I didn't activate the custom layout in mobile needed for Mathjax to perform its magic. Several issues regarding line breaking in formulae still remain, so I suggest to use your mobile in landscape mode to fully enjoy the math for now :)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Schwarzschild metric (I)

Maybe I should start explaining what a metric is. Or curvature. Or the energy-stress tensor...
Nahhh... :)

Let's run before walk with an example. It's funnier this way.

Legend says Karl Schwarzschild was a german artillery officer during WWI, but the truth is he was a physicist and astronomer before that. He died several months after finding the first analytical solution to EFE's, of an illness called Pemphigus (click at your own risk). You have read right: Schwarzchild did find an analytical solution to Einstein Field Equations. Exactly. Analytically. Manly.

Truth be said, he did it for the "simplified" case of a spherical static object, but it's a good aproximation, specially for people like me who need to learn. Are you ready? I prevent you I have (finally) learned how to use latex in blogger...

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Coming back soon!

Two years and a half. 
Two years. And. A. Half.

Lot of things have happened since the last post. Long story short, I have a little bit of free time again, so I'm preparing new posts in the point where I left.

Next stop, Schwartzschild metric.

See you soon!