Monday, September 19, 2016

Coursera's introduction into General Relativity

I was lured recently to a Coursera's course in General Relativity. It is a course hosted by Emil Akhmedov, professor in the Higher School of Economics.
Do you think too coursera's logo looks like some kind of brand for a dark society?

Not gonna lie, it's not easy but at least it's formal enough to make me re-learn tensor handling in a way Susskind can not. Not his goal anyway. Here is the web in case you want to check it out.

It is russian

Russians logos are cool too.

Of course it's russian. That means, in teacher's words, it's not going to be easy. My pal convinced me to do it (he has convinced me to do awful things before, cooler in mobile) and now he's probably going to abandon because of time. He says because of time, at least. I should believe him.

Course covers a lot of stuff and as other Coursera teachings, has assignments, peer corrections and all the funny videos. Best of everything. It's free.
Videos are a little bit hard, but necessary. And assignments, although easy so far, are not the stuff of gifts, if you know what I mean. You have to work a little.

As an overview, it takes 12 weeks (I guess you can still sign in) and covers interesting stuff for me until week 8 (in week 7 we start interior solutions and Kerr, but far from that, cosmology rules).

So, should you do it?

There are a lot of resources out there, but with this one you can have feedback and after the initial "this is too hard" feeling, if you are willing (and have the time) to continue, seems like the right thing to do. I'll summarize better when it ends. If I can finish it.

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